a wide profile of therapeutic efficacy for this fantastic fungus.
- Form
- Dose
- Origin
- Dual Extract
- 300mg
- Siberia

Regular consumption has been shown to lead to reduced inflammation and
an improved production of immuno-balancing white blood cells, which has
been shown to strengthen an ability to fight off viruses and infections.

Brain Health
Reishi extract has demonstrated good potential for reducing oxidative stress in the hippo campus, a region associated with mood, memory
and learning. It can also offer neuro protective benefits by supporting
the production of nerve growth factor, a protein that is vital for healthy
neurological function.

Mood and Wellbeing
Regular consumption of Reishi has been traditionally associated with
enhancing mental and emotional wellbeing. Modern trials also demonstrate its capacity to help stabilise mood and improve pain management.

Known as the ‘mushroom of immortality’, Reishi mushroom has been used
for centuries to help reverse the physical and cognitive effects of ageing

A group of biological compounds called triterpenes found in Reishi
mushroom have displayed positive signs of helping eliminate toxins and
promote liver cell regeneration in trials.